Ride+Stride is a sponsored bike ride or walk in which people from all over the country walk or cycle between churches, exploring and enjoying the countryside from Cornwall to Northumberland. The money they raise helps to preserve some of Britain’s 47,000 churches, chapels and meeting houses which are at risk of falling into serious disrepair.
Supported by The National Churches Trust and in partnership with County Churches Trusts nationwide, Ride+Stride crosses 34 counties and opens the doors to some of Britain’s most rare and unusual churches, chapels and meeting houses. To help raise money for these wonderful buildings you will need to be sponsored by your friends and family, and you can get sponsorship details from the local Ride+Stride organisers in your County (or from the National Churches Trust, if there is no event in your area – please click here for more information about riding and striding for the National Churches Trust).
With thousands to choose from, there is no shortage of fantastic churches, chapels and meeting houses to visit and support. You can find a church bell (in the tree) or a stone hedgehog (on the door) at St Nicholas’ Church in Barfrestone, Kent. Look for carved pigs feeding in Little Malvern Priory in Worcestershire (on a monk’s arm rest). Buy stamps or send a letter in the Church post office at All Saints Church in Sheepy Magna, Leicestershire. Or even visit an art exhibition at Holy Trinity Church in Leeds.
In 2014, Ride+Stride is aiming to raise over £1.5 million for the restoration and preservation of the UK’s historic churches, chapels and meeting houses. Find out how to take part by visiting our How to Ride+Stride page.
The South Moreton Harvest Festival Service will take place next Sunday (12th October) at 10.30 am.
Harvest gifts are more than welcome. These can either be fruit of vegetables presented in a basket / box or alternatively non perishable food (at least six months before use by date). Perishables will be auctioned, with any money raised to be given to the food bank along with the non perishables.
There will something for all ages (especially the children) with refreshments afterwards so do please come along as we would love to see as many of you as possible.
Hope to see you then and thank you so much to all those who came along and supported the Safari Supper last weekend.
Jo Gillington
South Moreton PCC
We would love your help at on Saturday 1st November. Please do come and help do jobs in the church and churchyard, and enjoy meeting others at the same time. There’s plenty to be done – taking ivy off walls, clearing drains and hoppers, indoor cleaning, taking flaky stuff off walls, getting windows to open, and more stuff we’ll think of before Nov 1st.
Bring secateurs, trowels, dusters, Jey cloths. Come for as short or long as you can manage. We’ll be very grateful for your help!
John Clarke
Friday 14th November – A Musical Banquet 7.30pm in All Saints’ Church. See below for details.
The critically acclaimed Musical Banquet is gracing All Saints’ church on the 14th of November at 7:30 pm. This group performs lively and contemporary presentations of Renaissance influenced vocal and instrumental music which is interspersed with humorous period readings and anecdotes. The music contains pieces by Purcell, Sanz and Krieger to name a few as well as a special tribute to Robert Burns. This will be a truly magical evening set in our 13th century church! Tickets cost £10, £8 for concessions & £5 for children and include interval refreshments and a complementary drink. Contact Mary Greene on 01235 813396 or email as soon as possible.
Please support this fund raising event for All Saints’.
Any donations would be appreciated. Thank you.
Payments can be made by cheque – Payable to: North Moreton PCC..
South Moreton School’s Nativity this year is on Wednesday 10th December at 2pm and Thursday 11th at 6pm. Members of the local community are warmly invited to the afternoon performance.