Have you heard about the Earth Trust’s fantastic River of Life wetland?
What types of engagement would you like to see at such a site? What type of access (boardwalk/hides) and interpretation (information boards or digital information) would you appreciate? Whatever your interests – the arts, natural history, cultural history, archaeology – we’re keen to hear your thoughts.
Join Earth Trust’s Dr Kerry Lock and Eco-Hydrologist Dr Curt Lambert to find out more about the Earth Trust and the creation of the River of Life, and engage in a discussion about your wishes regarding access, interpretation, courses and tours on site. All welcome.
Please click here for event poster.
Friday 14th November – A Musical Banquet 7.30pm in All Saints’ Church. See below for details.
The critically acclaimed Musical Banquet is gracing All Saints’ church on the 14th of November at 7:30 pm. This group performs lively and contemporary presentations of Renaissance influenced vocal and instrumental music which is interspersed with humorous period readings and anecdotes. The music contains pieces by Purcell, Sanz and Krieger to name a few as well as a special tribute to Robert Burns. This will be a truly magical evening set in our 13th century church! Tickets cost £10, £8 for concessions & £5 for children and include interval refreshments and a complementary drink. Contact Mary Greene on 01235 813396 or email maryclaregreene@btinternet.com as soon as possible.
Please support this fund raising event for All Saints’.
Any donations would be appreciated. Thank you.
Payments can be made by cheque – Payable to: North Moreton PCC..
Have you heard about the Earth Trust’s fantastic River of Life wetland?
What types of engagement would you like to see at such a site? What type of access (boardwalk/hides) and interpretation (information boards or digital information) would you appreciate? Whatever your interests – the arts, natural history, cultural history, archaeology – we’re keen to hear your thoughts.
Join Earth Trust’s Dr Kerry Lock and Eco-Hydrologist Dr Curt Lambert to find out more about the Earth Trust and the creation of the River of Life, and engage in a discussion about your wishes regarding access, interpretation, courses and tours on site. All welcome.
All welcome; places are free but please get in touch to reserve. The bus will leave from the Earth Trust Centre at:
• 9.30am for College Lake (returning at 12.30pm)
• 1pm for Otmoor (returning at 4pm)
Please click here for event poster.
Parishioners are welcome to attend and may contribute to item 3
- To receive councillors’ declarations of interests
- To record apologies from PC councillors
- To receive comments from the public, and District and County Councillors
- To approve the minutes of the 22nd October SMPC meeting
- To consider matters arising from the minutes of the 22 October 2014 SMPC meeting not taken elsewhere
- To receive reports from clerk and councillors
- To consider Recreation Ground matters
- To consider Millennium Garden matters
- To consider allotment matters
- To consider public footpath and highways matters
- To consider public transport matters
- To consider traffic problems within South Moreton
- To consider financial matters:
- current financial summary
- approval of payments
- bank mandate
- grant requests
- To consider planning matters
- report on planning decisions
- consideration of outstanding applications
- To assess risk and its management and consider insurance renewal
- To respond to correspondence and discuss matters arising from item 3
- To take AOB at Chairman’s discretion
- To schedule the next meeting
An event jointly organised by South Oxfordshire Sustainability (SOS) and SODC.
Gordon Hunt from OCC will give an overview of organisational and individual responsibilities
and then The Hanney and Chalgrove Flood Groups will describe how their group came about and how they developed their village flood plans.
Please see poster for more information.