
Live Music @ The Crown
Aug 9 @ 9:00 pm

Live music from The Rocker Fellas

The Womens Institute – Wildlife in the garden @ North Moreton Village Hall
Sep 10 @ 7:30 pm


South & North Moreton


10 September 2014, North Moreton Village Hall at 7.30


Wildlife in the Garden

Speaker: Wilf Simcox



Non-members always welcome – Admission £2

Live Music @ The Crown
Sep 20 @ 9:00 pm

Live music from Dog House

South Moreton Parish Council Meeting @ South Moreton School
Oct 22 @ 7:30 pm

Parishioners are welcome to attend and may contribute to item 3


  1. To receive councillors’ declarations of interests
  2. To record apologies from PC councillors
  3. To receive comments from the public, and District and County Councillors
  4. To approve the minutes of the 30th July SMPC meeting
  5. To receive reports from clerk and councillors
  6. To consider Recreation Ground matters
  7. To consider Millennium Garden matters
  8. To consider allotment matters
  9. To consider public footpath and highways matters
  10. To consider public transport matters
  11. To consider traffic problems within South Moreton
  12. To consider organisation of village summer event
  13. To consider financial matters
    1. current financial summary
    2. approval of payments
    3. consideration of external audit report
    4. bank mandate
    5. clerk’s contract
  14. To consider planning matters
    1. report on planning decisions
    2. consideration of outstanding applications
  15. To assess risk and its management and consider insurance renewal
  16. To consider Parish Boundary revision proposals
  17. To respond to correspondence and discuss matters arising from item 6
  18. To take AOB at Chairman’s discretion
  19. To schedule the next meeting
Live Music @ The Crown
Dec 31 @ 9:00 pm

Live music from Andy Robbins

South Moreton Parish Council Meeting @ South Moreton School
Jan 14 @ 7:30 pm

Parishioners are welcome to attend and may contribute to item 3


  1. To receive councillors’ declarations of interests
  2. To record apologies from PC councillors
  3. To receive comments from the public, and District and County Councillors
  4. To approve the minutes of the 22nd October SMPC meeting
  5. To consider matters arising from the minutes of the 22 October 2014 SMPC meeting not taken elsewhere
  6. To receive reports from clerk and councillors
  7. To consider Recreation Ground matters
  8. To consider Millennium Garden matters
  9. To consider allotment matters
  10. To consider public footpath and highways matters
  11. To consider public transport matters
  12. To consider traffic problems within South Moreton
  13. To consider financial matters:
    1. current financial summary
    2. approval of payments
    3. bank mandate
    4. grant requests
  14. To consider planning matters
    1. report on planning decisions
    2. consideration of outstanding applications
  15. To assess risk and its management and consider insurance renewal
  16. To respond to correspondence and discuss matters arising from item 3
  17. To take AOB at Chairman’s discretion
  18. To schedule the next meeting
Discussion ‘Does prayer work?’ @ The Crown
Jan 18 @ 7:30 pm