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April 16, 2015 – April 17, 2015 all-day
Brown bin collection day.
South Oxfordshire District Council will collect the following:
- Grass
- Leaves
- Weeds
- Flowers and plants
- Hedge clippings
- Branches (not more than 10cm thick)
- Prunings and twigs
- Windfall fruit
- Hay / Straw (soiled animal bedding from non-meat eating animals only eg rabbits)
- Vegetable waste from the garden only eg potato tops (not kitchen waste)
The following cannot be put in the brown bin:
- Food or kitchen waste (put this in your food waste bin)
- Cat or dog faeces
- Vacuum dust or fire cinders
- Soil, stones or rubble
- Wood that has been treated or painted
- Cardboard, Tetra packs (milk or juice cartons), or wrapping paper (these can go in your green recycling bin)
- Plastic flower pots, trays or bags
- Weeds that need reporting to the Environment Agency, like Japanese knotweed and ragwort.
For more information on refuse collection please visit the following South Oxford District Council website links: