Fulscot Bridge update

Latest update from Network Rail regarding the bridge works:

We continue to make good progress at Fulscot Road. The current status of the works is as follows:

  • North Capping beam to sheet piles
completed 04/07
  • South capping beam to sheet piles – ongoing
complete by 01/08
  • Soil nail netting (to enable road opening)
completed 04/07
  • Capping beam for augured piles
will complete 07/07
  • Ties (abutment/augured piling cap) back fill
 complete by 10/07
  • L-units (delivery 01/07 onwards)
 complete by 08/07
  • Road works (sub-base/kerbs/drainage)
  complete by 15/08
  • Surfacing
 complete by 22/08
  • Barrier installation
 complete by 29/08
  • Road Open

We are still on target for opening the road by early September 2014.

Continue reading “Fulscot Bridge update”

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Southmoreton.org.uk is proud to finally say the website is now completely open for use.  All sections are now live and opened up.

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