Emergency services: |
National emergency number: |
999 |
Non-Emergency Police calls |
111 |
NHS Non-Emergency Number: |
101 |
Utilities: |
Gas emergency number (National Gas Emergency Service): |
0800 111 999 |
Electricity emergency number (Scottish and Southern Energy): |
0800 048 3516 |
Non emergency gas (Scottish and Soutern Energy): |
0845 026 0658 |
Non emergency electricity (Scottish and Southern Energy): |
0800 072 7282 |
Electricity power cut website: |
http://www.ssepd.co.uk/CustomerService/PowerCuts/PowerTrack/ |
Non Emergency water (Thames water leak line): |
0800 714 614 |
Transport: |
Potholes (Oxford County Council’s Highways team): |
0845 310 11 11 |
http://fixmystreet.oxfordshire.gov.uk/ |
Buses (Thames travel): |
01865 785400 |
http://www.thames-travel.co.uk/ |
Councils: |
Oxford County Council: |
01865 792422 |
https://www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/ |
South Oxford District Council: |
01235 422 422 |
http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/ |
Parish Council: |
clerk@southmoreton.org.uk |