A meeting of the South Moreton Parish Council will be taking place on the30th July at 7:30pm at the South Moreton School. Parishioners are welcome to attend and may contribute to item 3.
- To receive councillors’ declarations of interests
- To record apologies from PC councillors
- To receive comments from the public, and District and County Councillors
- To approve the minutes of the 21 May 2014 Annual SMPC meeting
- To consider matters arising from the minutes of the 19 March 2014 SMPC meeting not taken elsewhere
- To receive reports from clerk and councillors
- To consider Recreation Ground matters
- To consider Millennium Garden matters
- To consider allotment matters
- To consider public footpath and highways matters
- To consider public transport matters
- To consider traffic problems within South Moreton
- To consider organisation of village summer event
- To consider financial matters
- current financial summary
- approval of payments
- consideration of external audit report
- bank mandate
- clerk’s contract
- To consider planning matters
- report on planning decisions
- consideration of outstanding applications
- To assess risk and its management and consider insurance renewal
- To consider Parish Boundary revision proposals
- To respond to correspondence and discuss matters arising from item 6
- To take AOB at Chairman’s discretion
- To schedule the next meeting (September/October 2014)