A meeting of South Moreton Parish Council will be held at South Moreton School on Wednesday 14 January 2015 starting at 1930
Parishioners are welcome to attend and may contribute to item 3
- To receive councillors’ declarations of interests
- To record apologies from PC councillors
- To receive comments from the public, and District and County Councillors
- To approve the minutes of the 22nd October SMPC meeting
- To consider matters arising from the minutes of the 22 October 2014 SMPC meeting not taken elsewhere
- To receive reports from clerk and councillors
- To consider Recreation Ground matters
- To consider Millennium Garden matters
- To consider allotment matters
- To consider public footpath and highways matters
- To consider public transport matters
- To consider traffic problems within South Moreton
- To consider financial matters:
- current financial summary
- approval of payments
- bank mandate
- grant requests
- To consider planning matters
- report on planning decisions
- consideration of outstanding applications
- To assess risk and its management and consider insurance renewal
- To respond to correspondence and discuss matters arising from item 3
- To take AOB at Chairman’s discretion
- To schedule the next meeting