The council has approved a planning application, reference P16/S0467/FUL, for development work at the following location: Chislehurst Hithercroft South Moreton
The application is for: Demolition of existing bungalow and garage and erection of detached dwelling and garaging.
The relevant planning policies were:
Local Plan Policy CS1 Presumption in favour of sustainable development
Local Plan Policy CSS1 The Overall Strategy
Local Plan Policy CSQ3 Design
Local Plan Policy CSEN1 Landscape protection
Local Plan Policy H12 Replacement dwelling
Local Plan Policy D1 Principles of good design
Local Plan Policy D2 Safe and secure parking for vehicles and cycles
Local Plan Policy D3 Outdoor amenity area
Local Plan Policy D4 Reasonable level of privacy for occupiers
Local Plan Policy D10 Waste Management
Local Plan Policy CON11 Protection of archaeological remains
Local Plan Policy C8 Adverse affect on protected species
Local Plan Policy C9 Loss of landscape features
Local Plan Policy T1 Safe, convenient and adequate highway network for all users
Local Plan Policy T2 Unloading, turning and parking for all highway users
You can see details of the application on our website by clicking this link.