Fulscot Bridge update

Latest update from Network Rail regarding the bridge works:

We continue to make good progress at Fulscot Road. The current status of the works is as follows:

  • North Capping beam to sheet piles
  • South capping beam to sheet piles – ongoing
Complete by 01/08 On target
  • Capping beam for augured piles
  • Ties (abutment/augured piling cap) back fill
  • L-units (delivery 01/07 onwards) 28 delivered so far
complete by 21/07
  • Road works (sub-base/kerbs/drainage)
complete by 06/08
  • Surfacing
complete by 22/08 On target
  • Barrier installation
complete by 29/08 On target
  • Road Open
2/9/14 On target

We are still on target for opening the road by early September 2014.

Continue reading “Fulscot Bridge update”

Do you Care? So do we …

Do you provide unpaid help to a family member, friend or neighbour, to help them with everyday living?

Do you look after someone who has a long-term illness or disability or who is elderly or frail?

Do you have a child with special needs?

Do you help a relative or friend who is about to be discharged from hospital?

Are you under 18 and caring for or helping to care for someone in your family, who has a long-term illness or is disabled?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you would benefit from contacting South and Vale Carers.

Continue reading “Do you Care? So do we …”